Home Faculty of BusinessTourism Business

Tourism Business

Field of studies
Business and public management
Professional Bachelor of Business Management
Form and duration
Full-time (3 years)
Lithuanian or English language
Annual tuition fee
Programme code

Why study this programme?

Imagine the perfect studying program that includes not only classroom activities and practice, but also travelling, visiting cultural and historical sightseeing attractions, and spending time in resorts and spa. It may sound impossible, but you can enroll in such program in KVK! It is called Tourism Business, and is aimed at training modern tourism industry professionals.

The Tourism Business programme implemented by KVK is distinguished by the areas defined for the conceptual activities of the tourism sector – Hotel Administration, Leisure Organization, Guide Services. This study programme employs teachers with experience in tourism business, international projects, programs, expert and consulting activities, innovative study methods applied in the study process and the main reservation and activity management programmes used in business (Amadeus, GIS, Portje, Fidelio-Opera, AutoRoute), high opportunities for study and internships abroad (Portugal, Turkey, Cyprus, Italy, Bulgaria, Latvia, Romania, Hungary, etc.), as well as a strong focus on the development of practical skills.

Study environment

Relevant subjects of study meeting the demand for skillful specialist training, interactive methods of study, development of entrepreneurial skills, work with tourism services management programmes and practical training in tourism companies.


Tourism business specialists will be able to work in tourism companies, to set up and run a tourism business, to organize the activities of a company or a department, to manage the staff, prepare tourist travels and organize them, to work in hotels and other accommodation providing enterprises, travel agencies, amusement parks, wellness centres, tourism information centres, or visitor centres of protected areas, and will be able to work as guides and tour leaders, organizers of leisure activities or animators, will be able to create tourism products.

Contact person

Laurencija Budrytė - Ausiejienė Lektorė

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Goal of the program

To prepare modern tourism industry professionals for work in the sectors of accommodation, travel and leisure organisation, and information provision, who are able to rationally use tourism and recreational resources; analyse and evaluate tourism processes and tools for business cognition under the rapidly changing market conditions; carry out research in this field; follow the legal acts and develop an innovative, insightful and socially responsible tourism business.


SubjectECTS Credits
I semester
Philosophy (a1)/Sociology (a2)3
Information Systems and Media5
Professional Communication4
Basics of Tourism and Recreation5
Business Foreign Language 1 (a., v.)6
Introductory Practice in the Company3
II semester
Business Foreign Language 1 (a., v.)5
Lithuanian Tourism Resources5
Business Mathematics and Statistics4
Applied Research Methodology4
Introductory Practice in the Company5
III semester
History and Heritage of Lithuanian Culture6
Business Foreign Language 2 (a., v., r.)4
Geography of Travel and International Tourism4
Business Law and Ethics4
Accounting and Finance4
Tourism Service Management Program Practice5
Elective Subject


IV semester
Tourism Marketing5
Geographic Information Systems3
Creation of Educational Programs3
Travel and Experience Design5
Excursion Organization and Guiding Methodology5
Professional Practice in a Business Company6
Elective Subject3
V semester
Hospitality Business and Logistics6
Event Organization4
Course Work3
Tourism Business Organization5
Simulation Company Practice6
Tourism Product Development and Sales Management Practice6
VI semester
Final Practice21

Final Thesis


Study results

  • You will manage the hotel business, develop and implement tourism business projects.
  • You will organize trips, host events, create excursions, and implement leisure programs and tourist service packages: tourist routes, hikes, and more.
  • You will present tourism resources and services at international and national exhibitions and provide tourism information services.
  • You will prepare and implement marketing and business plans.





Mathematics or Information technologies, or Geography


Weighting factor for any subject that does not overlap with the first and second


English language

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