Why study this programme?
The Tourism Business study programme, offered by KVK stands out for the areas defined for the conceptual activities of the tourism sector – Hotel Administration, Leisure Organization, Guide Services. The study programme employs lecturers with experience in tourism business, international projects, programmes, expert and consulting activities, features innovative study methods, uses major reservation and business management applications, used in business (Amadeus, GIS, Portje, Fidelio-Opera, AutoRoute), and offers extensive opportunities for studies and internships abroad (Portugal, Turkey, Cyprus, Italy, Bulgaria, Latvia, Romania, Hungary, etc.), also focusing lots of attention on developing practical skills.
Graduates of Administration of hospitality services can continue their studies in Tourism Business study programme to acquire a Professional Bachelor’s degree. The majority of the subjects will be transferred making the studies shorter.

Study environment
- Kopija practice enterprise
- Pamarys practice enterprise
- Media laboratory
Contact person