Home For StudentsSupportACADEMICConsultation


STUDY AND CAREER CENTERTime and place of consultations
Career planningStudies and career specialist Aurelija Mauricaitė


Email: a.mauricaite@kvk.lt

Tel. +370 673 69077

IV. 13-16

Jaunystės st. 2, 215 kab.

Special Needs
Psychological supportPsychologist

Gabija Sruogiūtė-Stašienė

Email: psichologas@kvk.lt

Tel. +370 684 96404

Financial supportStudies specialist Ernesta ŠukytėEmail: e.sukyte@kvk.lt

Tel. +370 650 93037

II. 8-17

Jaunystės st. 2, 215 kab.

LIBRARYTime and place of consultations
Searching for information sourcesHead of the library

Edited by Marytė Tamelienė

Email: biblioteka@kvk.lt

Tel. +370 630 07742

On working days and working hours

Bijūnai st. 10, Library

Database supply, etc.
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CENTERTime and place of consultations
Use of university information resourcesSystems administrator Inesa SereikaitėEmail: itcentras@kvk.lt

Tel. +370 655 11803

On working days and working hours Jaunystės st. 1, 125 kab.
FACULTYTime and place of consultations
Organization of studies (Timetables)Organizer of studies at the Faculty of Business Inga ŠniukštienėEmail: i.sniukstiene@kvk.lt

Tel. +370 630 07731

On working days and working hours Jaunystės st. 1, 206 kab.
Organizer of studies at the Faculty of Health Sciences Ernesta ŠukytėEmail: e.sukyte@kvk.lt

Tel. +370 650 93037

On working days and working hours Jaunystės st. 2, 215 kab.
Faculty of Technology studies organizer Giedrė ŠimaitytėEmail: g.simaityte@kvk.lt

Tel. +370 630 07749

On working days and working hours Bijūnų st. 10, 124 kab.
Academic issuesVice-dean of the Faculty of Business Aušra AnužienėEmail: a.anuziene@kvk.lt

Tel. +370 655 35144

III. 15-16.30

Jaunystės st. 1, 204 kab.

Vice-dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Monika PocienėEmail: m.pociene@kvk.lt

Tel. +370 610 04156

II. 15-17

Dariaus ir Girėno st. 8, 18 kab.

Vice-dean of the Faculty of Technology Sigutė SavickienėEmail: s.savickiene@kvk.lt

Tel. +370 655 91547

III. 15.30-16.30

Bijūnų st. 10, 125 kab.

Study subject issuesLectures of the Faculty of Health Scienceshttps://www.kvk.lt/academia/sveikatos-mokslu-fakultetas/At the time and place specified in the consultation schedule
Lectures of the Faculty of Technologyhttps://www.kvk.lt/academia/technologiju-fakultetas/At the time and place specified in the consultation schedule
Lectures of the  Faculty of Businesshttps://www.kvk.lt/academia/verslo-fakultetas/At the time and place specified in the consultation schedule

The Center for Studies and Careers is a unit that coordinates the entire study process and provides student career management services to students. You can visit the Center on Thursdays from 13.00 to 16.00. Here you will be able to express your opinion on one or another issue that is important to you, consult, receive information, ask for help with career issues. We guarantee confidentiality.

Klaipėdos valstybinė kolegija
Study and Career Center
Jaunystės st. 2, room 215
Tel .: +370 673 69077
Email: studijos.karjera@kvk.lt
Pre-registration by phone or email is required.

Last updated: 2023-01-23
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