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Erasmus + programme

What is the Erasmus + programme?

Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. The 2021-2027 programme places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and promoting young people’s participation in democratic life. It supports priorities and activities set out in the European Education Area, Digital Education Action Plan and the European Skills Agenda. The programme also:

The Erasmus + programme gives students the opportunity to go to a foreign higher education institution for part-time studies and / or traineeship. Each student has the opportunity to participate for mobility for up to 12 months and receive the grant.

ERASMUS + provides an opportunity to go to foreign Higher Education Institutions and Companies to do:

Abbreviations (which may be encountered later in the text):
HEI – higher education institution (e.g. university, college, university of applied sciences, etc.)
KVK – Klaipėdos valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution
IRD – international relations department

All students participating in the programme must participate in a selection process carried our by the International Relations Department (IRD). In order to participate in the selection, the student fills out an application on the kvk.lt website. It is recommended to complete the application as early as possible before the visit, but no later than 2 months before departure.

KVK announces and organizes selection for Erasmus + studies and traineeship abroad in accordance with the selection criteria approved by KVK. After receiving the student applications, the members of the Commission evaluate the received applications according to the selection criteria and make a priority list of participants.

The main criteria for students to participate in Erasmus mobility are as follows:

  • no academic and financial debt;
  • foreign language level not lower than B1 (of the country to which the studies and/or practice are planned).

In case of a competition, when more student applications are received than there are available mobility places, the Committee evaluate the applications according to the following criteria:

  • the results of academic activities;
  • additional questions from the application form;
  • mentoring for incoming foreign Erasmus+ students;
  • active work in the academic department;
  • an additional one point is awarded to those who have not participated in the Erasmus+ programme before.

If the selection takes place and the student refuses to participate in mobility without a serious reason (illness, accident, etc.), the student loses priority in other selections.

All students participating in the selection are informed about the selection results no later than 60 days  after the application submission.

The selection results are valid for one calendar year.

  • The IRD specialist provides information on further mobility procedures and intercultural preparation to students who have won the selection.
  • Grant sizes and conditions are determined by the Education Exchange Support Fund.
  • The selected student must personally contact the host institution and submit the required documents to the IRD. The head of the academic department or other responsible teachers help the student coordinate the study subjects and the traineeship plan. The student themselves takes care of the organization of the trip, accommodation, insurance, visa and other necessary documents.
  • The mobility agreement is coordinated with the host institution, the student and the academic department. A fully signed mobility agreement is delivered to IRD no later than 60 calendar days before the start of mobility. New study and traineeship documents for Erasmus mobility are not processed during the summer vacation from 16 June 16 until 20 August.
  • The terms of student mobility are defined in the grant agreement and the study and/or traineeship agreement.
  • The grant transfer to the student must be made no later than 30 calendar days after both parties sign the grant agreement.
  • Any changes to the study agreement that occur after the student arrives at the host institution must be done within the first month from the start of the mobility. Changes to the traineeship agreement can be made throughout the mobility period. In order to make changes to the Learning Agreement, the student must contact the head of their academic department and IRD, all parties has to agree on changes to studies and/or traineeship.
  • At the end of the Erasmus mobility abroad, the host institution issues a Certificate confirming that the study and/or traineeship programme agreed in the Learning Agreement was followed, and together with it provides a confirmation of mobility period, transcript of records. The student delivers copies of the document to IRD and their academic department as early as possible, but no later than within 5 weeks after the mobility.
  • KVK ensures that all Erasmus mobilities will be fully recognized and credited. These conditions are agreed and described in the mobility agreement (Learning agreement for studies/traineeship).
  • The student fills out an electronic report (EU Survey) in the system provided by the European Commission. The automatic link is sent to students via email.

Steps to participate in a long-term study mobility (for 1 or 2 semesters):

  1. Participate in the Erasmus selection (application submitted on the kvk.lt website as early as possible before the visit). The application indicates a preliminary foreign HEI and country, which can be changed later.
  2. View available foreign HEI according to your study programme (the list). Choose a few institutions that you like the most, check their websites (Erasmus/incoming students/international sections).
  3. Once you have chosen a few HEI that you like, contact them via email and find out this information (often this information can also be found on their websites):
    • what is the deadline for application (all institutions have different deadlines);
    • what is the registration procedure (each institution has its own procedure, usually students have to fill out a registration form, sometimes they are asked to send a transcript of records, passport/ID, English certificate, etc.);
    • what is the language of instruction for your study programme (usually it is English, but be sure to find out);
    • what are the study subjects, offered for incoming Erasmus students;
    • what are the dates of the semester (start and end). A student abroad must spend the entire semester, attend the selected lectures and pass exams, the average duration of the semester is 3.5-5 months;
    • other questions that interest you, e.g. accommodation options, etc.
  4. Once you have the list with study subjects offered by the foreign HEI, you should consult with the Head of your academic department or the curator of your programme. These staff will help you choose the most appropriate lectures and help you decide which HEI is the most suitable. Their proposed list of subjects should match with the KVK schedule by at least 60-70%.
  5. Once you have chosen a foreign HEI, please inform the KVK IRD so that they can send an official nomination to the host foreign HEI.
  6. The student fills out the forms and documents provided by the host foreign HEI.
  7. The student fills out the study agreement in the online system (Online Learning Agreement).
  8. A request to participate in Erasmus programme is filled out in the Moodle system (the information will be provided by IRD).
  9. A grant agreement is signed (the information will be provided by IRD).
  10. After these documents are fully signed, the Erasmus grant is transferred within 30 days.
  11. The student plans the trip, accommodation, and insurance.


  • If you would like to participate in Erasmus study mobility in the spring semester, we recommend that you apply in September-October. In November-December, many foreign Higher Education Institutions closes the procedure for accepting the documents, so you will have a smaller choice of foreign HEI at this period.
  • If you would like to participate in Erasmus study mobility in the autumn semester, we recommend that you apply in February-March. In April-May, many foreign Higher Education Institutions closes the procedure for accepting the documents, so you will have a smaller choice of foreign HEI at this period.

Steps to participate in a traineeship mobility:

  1. Participate in the Erasmus selection (application submitted on the kvk.lt website as early as possible before the visit). The application indicates a preliminary foreign institution/company and country, which can be changed later.
  2. Choose a foreign institution/company:
    • you can select the KVK partner Higher Education Institution (list);
    • you can select the KVK partner company or institution (list);
    • you can search for a host HEI/company/institution independently, which are not on KVK lists.
  3. Once you have selected a few institutions/companies you like, contact them via email:
    • introduce yourself (name, surname, study programme, course, that you study at KVK, what experience you have in your study field), you can attach your CV in English;
    • if you would like to participate in Erasmus traineeship with several people together, send one letter via email, indicating all the list with students;
    • what kind of traineeship you would like to implement (students have different traineeships each year, so indicate what your traineeship tasks are, you will receive this information from the Head of your academic department);
    • what are the dates and duration of your traineeship (how long and when can you start the traineeship);
    • ask if they agree to accept you for the traineeship;
    • other questions that interest you, e.g. accommodation options, etc.
  4. Once you have selected an institution/company for your traineeship, inform the IRD so that they could prepare the necessary documents.
  5. The student fills out the forms and documents provided by the host foreign institution/company, if any.
  6. The student fills out the traineeship agreement (the form is provided by IRD).
  7. A request to participate in Erasmus programme is filled out in the Moodle system (the information will be provided by IRD).
  8. A grant agreement is signed (the information will be provided by IRD).
  9. After these documents are fully signed, the Erasmus grant is transferred within 30 days.
  10. The student plans the trip, accommodation, and insurance.

Type of traineeship mobility:

  • Long-term mobility – this is a standard mobility, which takes place only physically, and its duration is 2 months or longer.
  • Short-term mobility – this is a blended mobility, which is an opportunity for students who do not have the opportunity to participate in long-term mobility. This mobility has to be blended, combining physical and virtual mobility (which is mandatory). Duration of physical mobility is 5-12 days, and the virtual part duration is not limited (1 day or more). There is a limit, that students can participate in short-term mobility only 1 time per 1 academic year.


  • The student must participate in the Erasmus selection at least 2 months before the mobility.
  • The student must consult about the traineeship period with their academic department and may implement the mobility during the same period as their practice takes place at KVK or during the vacations. The student should not participate in traineeship mobility during their theoretical lectures.
  • The traineeship mobility of graduates must start and end within 12 months after the graduation.
  • Duration of mobility is 2 months.
  • For participation in recent graduate traineeship, students fill out an application on the kvk.lt website according to the following schedule:
    • for those graduating in January – the application can be filled out from December 1 to December 30;
    • for those graduating in June – the application can be filled out from May 1 to May 30.
    • It is mandatory to mark in the application that you are applying for Recent Graduate Traineeship.
  • Maximum of 2 students from each study programme are awarded with Erasmus+ grant for recent graduate traineeship.
  • You will gain international experience and professional knowledge.
  • Learn foreign languages and get free language courses.
  • You will find friends around the world.
  • You will meet other cultures.
  • Your Erasmus + study and traineeship will be included in the Diploma Supplement, which you will receive after completing a KVK.
  • Erasmus + alumni get work twice faster per year than other graduation.
  • One third of Erasmus + trainees receive a job offer in companies that have practiced.

The European Student Card Initiative will enable every student to easily and safely identify and register themselves electronically at higher education institutions within Europe when moving abroad for studies, eliminating the need to complete onsite registration procedures and paper work.

„Erasmus+ Mobile App“
„Erasmus+ Mobile App“ is a students’ single point of entry into the Erasmus+ programme. The App will provide a broad range of information, tools and services to help students plan and carry out their exchange, supporting a first rate mobility experience.

  • Long-term study mobility can last from 2 to 12 months.
  • Long-term traineeship mobility can last from 2 to 12 months.
  • Short-term blended mobility can last from 5 to 12 days physically, the virtual part is mandatory, but duration is not limited.
  • Students can participate in short-term mobility only 1 time per 1 academic year.
  • Participants going to mobility location less than 500 km away should choose ecological transport (train, bus, carpooling, bike).
  • The total duration of mobility in studies, traineeships and recent graduates traineeship may not exceed 12 months.
  • The student does not pay for KVK dormitory until they have gone to Erasmus + mobility.
  • The student has to take care of their own insurance. For traineeship mobility: civil liability, accident and health insurance; for study mobility: health insurance.

Last updated: 2025-02-04
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