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Traineeship offers

Please select a suitable traineeship offer and fill in the application form.

We require a minimum B1 level in English.

NOTE – traineeship placements are offered by availability. Traineeships are done at KVK administrative or academic departments and/or partner companies, associations, hospitals and etc.

Administrative Skills Training Practice in Enterprise

Credits: 6 ECTS

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Analyze the principles of the organization’s activities.
  • Describe the legal form of the organization and the documents regulating its activities.
  • Analyze the functions of personnel management applied in the organization.
  • Review the documents regulating the activities of a particular organization and its personnel.
  • Review the management of documents of the organization in accordance with the principles of document management.
  • Demonstrate correct knowledge of English and other foreign languages in cooperation with external entities.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Will be able to analyze the principles of the organization’s activities.
  • Identifies the legal aspects regulating the activities of the organization.
  • Reviews the documents regulating the activities of a particular organization and its staff.
  • Reviews the management of the organization’s documents in accordance with the principles of document management.
  • Analyzes the functions of personnel management applied in the organization: personnel planning, personnel search, selection and hiring, personnel adaptation, its education, motivation, evaluation, career.
  • Make proposals to improve the observed and ongoing processes.

You can choose one of these traineeships:

1. Tourism Administrative Skills Training Practice

Credits: 6 ECTS

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • To indicate the scope of the company’s activities, the nature (type) of the company, structure, services provided, legal documents regulating the company’s activities.
  • To get acquainted with the organization of the company’s activities, the specifics of the positions and the means of employee motivation.
  • To get acquainted with company information sources, technologies, used equipment and computer programs, to critically evaluate the company’s website.
  • Identify possible dangerous / risky and harmful environmental factors for company employees; describe the company’s work safety requirements.
  • Analyze company’s marketing environments and marketing complex.
  • To describe the tourist regions of the World, Europe or Lithuania related to the company’s activities (where the clients of the company are coming to or from).
  • To get acquainted with logistics solutions in the company’s activities.
  • Identify the necessary resources for the organization of events, for the preparation and implementation of travels and excursions.
  • To describe classification of catering business types, the types of hotel (guests house) catering organization (a la carte and buffet). To analyze ways of serving food and beverages, preparation of catering room, seating guests at a table, requirements to the appearance and behavior of stuff.
  • To prepare a (tourism) service contract for the client.
  • Participate in the activities of the company and conduct individual tasks prepared by the organization’s practice supervisor.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Will be able to analyze the services provided by the company and evaluate them in the context of the legal environment and in the context of business organization.
  • Will be familiar with the programs and technologies used in the company’s business, will be able to identify potential hazardous and harmful environmental factors for the employees of the company.
  • Will be familiar with marketing activities used in the company.
  • Will be able to describe the influence of different tourist regions and tourism logistics on the company’s activities, to select resources for events, trips, excursions, will be able to plan and organize them.

2. Cognitive Practical Training in a Enterprise

Credits: 6 ECTS

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • To determine the legal status of the company, organizational structure, describe the activities and services provided:
    • Name the legal status of the company and the documents that guide the company’s activities.
    • Describe and visualize organizational structure of the company.
    • Describe activities and services of the company.
  • Get familiar with the company’s data sources, technologies used, media, tourism information systems, software and other equipment used:
    • Identify what data sources (hardcopy and digital) the company uses in its activities, what technologies and media are used by the employees working in various positions (computers, fax, copiers, Internet etc.).
    • Familiarize and describe what equipment is used, what software is used to optimize work.
    • Describe which tourism information systems are used and how.
  • Analyse company’s customers, their types, categories, based on statistical data and psychological characteristics:
    • Analyse what type of data company is collecting about their customers, monitor and record customer related data.
    • Analyse customers based on demographic, psychographic, cultural characteristics.
  • Get familiarized with tourism resources located and used in company’s environment:
    • Identify primary tourism resources company uses or what primary tourism resources are available in the company’s environment.
    • Identify second most important tourism resources used by the company, provide specific examples to illustrate it.
  • Familiarize with economic environment of the company, how national and international economy influences its activities:
    • Describe the economic environment of the company.
    • Describe the company’s addressable market and current customer behavior.
    • Describe the influence of the international economy on the company’s activities.
  • Prepare a business letter addressed to company’s partner(s) and customer(s) in a foreign language.
    • Prepare a visually illustrated offer / service proposal for a customer (in a foreign language).
    • Prepare partner invitation to an event organized by the company (in a foreign language).
  • To take part in work of tourism company, to communicate with employees and customers.
  • To fulfil a task given by host organization practice adviser.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Through practice, the student will get acquainted with the company’s legal status, the content of its activities and the organization’s structure, will analyze the tourism services provided by the company, monitor and analyze the company’s customers.
  • Knowledge of the tourism information systems and technologies, equipment and computer programs used in the company. Student will understand the influence of economic processes on the company’s activities, analyze the company’s environment, tourism resources related to its activities, analyze the company’s clients according to the psychological, demographic and economic parameters.
  • During the internship, the student will test himself at the potential workplace, will understand the requirements for specific positions, become acquainted with the specifics of customer service in the company and will develop his communication and foreign language skills during direct and indirect contact.

3. Final Practical Training

Credits: 21 ECTS

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • To analyze distribution of the activities of the manager of the tourism company and of employees.
  • To analyze the ways and possibilities of forming a tourism company image – Branding:
    • To analyze factors making influence on tourism company image.
    • To suggest ways to improve tourism company image.
  • To analyze business environment of a tourism company:
    • Perform analysis of inner environment of a tourism company.
    • Perform analysis of external environment of a tourism company.
  • To do analysis of tourism company’s products and services, find out principles of service creation and marketing:
    • Represent services of a tourism company.
    • To analyze levels of services.
  • To get acquainted with the technical base of the tourism company: information systems, reservation databases, other media and intelligent technologies used in the company’s activities:
    • To describe the technical base of the tourism company.
    • To describe qualities and weakness/defects of the technical base.
  • To apply knowledge and skills gained during studies: to create tourism product in the tourism company:
    • To create route of the trip, methodological plan of excursion, script of event, standard of delivering costumer service etc.
    • To describe created tourism product: what is target audience, what are criterions and documents regulating creating of this tourism product.
  • To make research for Final Paper and describe main results of it.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • The final practical training in the company is designed to put into practice the knowledge gained during all studies and to carry out research related to the final thesis.
  • During the internship, the student will analyze the distribution of employees’ work, job requirements, customer service standards, company image, provided services, their development and marketing; will conduct business environment analysis, learn to work on technologies, programs and systems used in the company; communicate with customers.
  • During the practice, the student will conduct an applied research study associated with the final thesis and other individual tasks agreed in advance with the practice manager.

Digital marketing communicacion practice in the organization

Credits: 6 ECTS

Place: KVK or partner companies

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • To analyze specifics of the organization.
  • To identify an organization`s customers.
  • To evaluate the company’s sales policy.
  • To review the company’s competitive environment.
  • To prepare the company’s communication plan.
  • To perform and present individual tasks provided by the company.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Analyze an organization’s digital marketing solutions.
  • Evaluate the company’s sales policy.
  • Identify the weaknesses and strengths of the organization`s communication.
  • Offer solutions to increase the efficiency of communication.
  • Review the company’s competitive environment.
  • Prepare a company’s communication plan.
  • Predicts the outcome of proposed sales promotion solutions.

Logistic skills training practice

Credits: 6 ECTS

Place: KVK or partner companies

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Review the activities of the organization, describe the aspects of logistics activities and logistics services.
  • Analyze laws and other documents regulating logistics activities.
  • Analyze the macroenvironment and the microenvironment of the organization.
  • Analyze aspects of logistics management in a specific company (organization).
  • Analyze the logistical functions performed by a particular company.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Will be able to assess the impact of the micro and macro-economic laws on business, perspectives and opportunities of the business environment.
  • Will gain knowledge on the procedure of establishing companies.
  • Will gain nowledge of the law and normative documentation, also international trade legislation, applicable to company business.
  • Will gain knowledge on ways and means to improve and increase competitiveness.
  • Will be able to order processing, use information systems and software.
  • Will be able to assess of a client group and the importance of their service in logistics.
  • Will be able to select and group client orders.
  • Will be able to plan transportation process.
  • Will be able to classify the logistics products.
  • Will be able to format of a logistics product package for transportation.
  • Will gain knowledge on the purpose and types of inventory.
  • Will gain knowledge of the principles of organising and their application on organising the company’s operations, based on the type of activity, environmental conditions, and work, civil and environmental protection requirements.
  • Will be able to prepare documentation for logistic product shipping.
  • Will be able to apply of appropriate quality assurance measures to the ordering process.
  • Will be able to assess of the material and human resources for specific activities.
  • Will be able to adherence to the standards of business and vocational ethics.

All applications are evaluated individually.

All applications are evaluated individually.

Requirements: We accept students from 2nd year

Place: Dental clinics

Period: April-May and November-December

You can choose one of these traineeships:

1. Teamwork practice

Credits: 6 ECTS (120 hours)

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Consultations on the preparation of the report.
  • Assisting a pediatric dentist.
  • Assisting an oral surgeon.
  • Assisting a surgeon during implantology.
  • Counseling of patients after surgical dental manipulations.
  • Psychological preparation of children and their parents before dental procedures.
  • Preparation and defense of practice report.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Collaborates and consults with dentists and dental assistants of the dental clinic.
  • Psychologically prepares children and their parents before dental procedures.
  • Educates children and their parents about individual oral care.
  • Provides advice to patients on oral care issues after surgical dental manipulations.
  • Selects materials and instruments for dental-therapeutic and surgical procedures.
  • Assists the dentist in treating children’s teeth.
  • Assists an oral surgeon during implantology.


2. Assisting practice

Credits: 8 ECTS (180 hours)

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Consultations on the preparation of the report.
  • Assistance to general practitioners, dentists and orthodontists.
  • Assisting periodontists.
  • Assisting oral hygienists.
  • Preparation and defense of practice report.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Works in a team with dentists, orthodontists, periodontists and oral hygienists.
  • Advises patients on oral care issues.
  • Prepares dental equipment for work.
  • Assists the dentist during therapeutic dental treatment, selects and submits the necessary materials according to the course and sequence of the procedure.
  • Assists the orthodontist during treatment, selects and submits orthodontic instruments.
  • Assists the periodontist during treatment, selects and delivers the necessary materials and instruments for therapeutic and surgical treatment of the patient according to the course and sequence of the procedure.
  • Assists an oral hygienist, selects curettes, prepares a system for polishing teeth.


3. Infection controls and oral disease prevention practice

Credits: 6 ECTS (120 hours)

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Consultations on the preparation of the report.
  • Asepsis and antiseptics. Working with a sterilizer. Sterilization journal. Types of disinfectant solutions used in dentistry and their purpose. Preparation of solutions. Occupational safety when working with disinfectant solutions.
  • Training the patient to brush their teeth with a toothbrush and floss.
  • Medical waste. Medical waste groups. Collection (sorting) of medical waste, packaging marking, temporary storage.
  • Preparation and defense of practice report.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Adheres to aseptic and antiseptic requirements.
  • Prepares and uses appropriate concentrations of disinfectant solutions.
  • Disinfects and sterilizes instruments, equipment, medical devices or parts thereof.
  • Complies with the requirements for the prevention of AIDS, viral hepatitis and communicable diseases. Manages medical waste.
  • Maintains dental equipment.
  • Completes the dental documentation.
  • Works with computer programs in the dental clinic / office.
  • Register patients for procedures.
  • Selects suitable materials and instruments for the performance of dental procedures.
  • Prepares dentistry materials as required by the doctor odontologist (dentist).
  • Explains to the patient how to brush the teeth correctly with a toothbrush and floss.


4. Pre-diploma practice

Credits: 11 ECTS (240 hours)

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Consultations on the preparation of the report.
  • Work with a dentist-orthopedist.
  • Work with a dental X-ray machine.
  • Preparation and defense of practice report.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Works in a team with an orthopedic doctor, collaborates with a dental technician.
  • Trains patients in the rules of oral care after teeth prosthesis installation procedure.
  • Prepares the tools necessary for the patient’s dental prosthesis.
  • Prepares the patient for a dental X-ray.
  • Selects spoons for prints, mixes the impression mass, takes alginate prints for diagnostic models.
  • Is able to stratify patients according to the degree of risk of oral disease.
  • Trains patients in individual oral hygiene after denture installation.

Requirements: We accept students from 2nd year

Place: KVK laboratories

Period: April-May and November-December

You can choose one of these traineeships:

1. Internship in working with patients I

Credits: 6 ECTS (120 hours)

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Workplace preparation: aseptic and antiseptic requirements.
  • Differentiation of periodontological tools.
  • Application of personal dental hygiene measures dependent on specific diagnosis.
  • Independent work: Retrieval and analysis of information on personal dental hygiene measures and the types and application thereof. Learn to select and apply personal dental hygiene measures to patients.
  • Identification of carious and non-carious dental tissues.
  • Symptoms and methods of treatment of periodontal diseases.
  • Dental hygiene indexes: PSR, CPITN and BPE.
  • Preparation for the defence of the internship.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Students learn to select and apply all the necessary assessment and concretion removal tools.
  • Students learn to ensure patient safety during procedures.
  • Students learn to explain aseptic and antiseptic, as well as disinfection and sterilisation, requirements.
  • Students learn to differentiate between healthy and damaged dental and periodontal tissues.
  • Students diagnose tooth decay and non-carious dental tissue damage in children and adults.
  • Students learn to select appropriate personal dental hygiene measures dependent on specific diagnosis.
  • Students learn to measure gum pocket depth and assess the degree of tooth mobility.


2. Internship in working with patients II

Credits: 8 ECTS (180 hours)

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • The application of dental procedures in the practice of oral hygienists. Prepare a treatment plan for each patient and describe them in the dental card.
  • Identification of over-gum and under-gum concretions.
  • Anaesthesia in the line of work of an oral hygienist.
  • Prevention of tooth decay.
  • Independent work: research literature analysis, the prevention and treatment of tooth decay in children
  • The principles of sharpening in dentistry.
  • Preparation for the defence of the internship.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Students learn to assess the need of individuals for professional oral hygiene procedures.
  • Students learn to apply the main methods of anaesthesia.
  • Students learn to remove over-gum and under-gum concretions with treatment tools and ultrasonic scalers.
  • Students learn to cover teeth in sealants following a consultation with a dentist.
  • Students learn to sharpen curettes.
  • Students learn to identify gum-related and periodontal changes, as well as necrotising periodontal diseases.
  • Students learn to prepare treatment plans
    in accordance with the oral health status of patients.


3. Internship in working with patients and communities

Credits: 6 ECTS (120 hours)

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Preparation of the workplace and patients for dental hygiene procedures.
  • Application of, as well as indications and contraindications for, dental tools.
  • Application of personal dental hygiene measures dependent on specific diagnosis and preparation of treatment plans. Prepare individual treatment plans for patients and describe the procedures performed, as well as objects observed in the oral cavity. Selection of personal oral hygiene measures for children, adolescents, and adults.
  • Teeth whitening possibilities (indications and contraindications).
  • Communications skills necessary for working in teams alongside dental specialists and specialists from public health bureaus.
  • Preparation for the defence of the internship.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Students learn to ensure patient safety during procedures.
  • Students learn to comply with aseptic and antiseptic, as well as disinfection and sterilisation, requirements.
  • Students learn to assess patients’ dental health.
  • Students learn to work in teams alongside dental specialists and specialists from public health bureaus.
  • Students learn to select appropriate patient examination methods and tools.
  • Students learn to perform quality professional dental hygiene procedures with soda blasters and learn to select and apply fluoride preparations.
  • Students learn to consult patients on issues related to healthy lifestyle and oral care.
  • Students learn to perform external teeth whitening procedures.


4. Final internship

Credits: 11 ECTS (240 hours)

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Patients’ rights and bioethical principles. The filling out and description periodontological cards.
  • Implementation of prevention with a fluoride preparation. Retrieval of fluoride preparation samples and analysis of the ingredients thereof.
  • Assessment of patient’s vital functions.
  • Aseptic and antiseptic principles in dentistry.
  • The variety of personal hygiene measures appropriate for patients with different needs. The search for tooth pastes and mouthwashes designed for patients with systemic diseases and the application thereof on own patients during practice.
  • Assessment and correction of restoration materials.
  • Preparation for the defence of the internship.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Students learn to comprehensively ensure the protection of patients’ ethical and legal interests.
  • Students learn to assess patients’ vital functions.
  • Students learn to interpret the results of diagnostic examinations.
  • Students learn to assess the need of individuals for professional dental hygiene procedures.
  • Students learn to select fluoride preparations in accordance with the individual needs of patients.
  • Students learn to select the most appropriate personal dental care measures for patients with special needs.

Requirements: We accept students from 2nd year

You can choose one of these traineeships:

1. Traineeship of internal disease physiotherapy

Credits: 6 ECTS (120 hours)

Place: “Uosto” clinic

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Getting to be familiar with the practice site.
  • Completing the internal medicine physiotherapy practice diary.
  • Testing of patients with internal diseases.
  • Formulation of physiotherapy diagnosis, purpose and objectives of treatment in patients with internal diseases.
  • Creating a physiotherapy program for a patient with internal
  • Application of innovative, science-based treatment methods for the treatment of patients with internal diseases.
  • Filling in the physiotherapy report.
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of physiotherapy in patients with
    internal diseases.
  • Preparing the internship report.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Will be able to carry out a physiotherapy assessment of the individual, gather and critically evaluate information relevant to the patient’s needs.
  • Will be able to develop a physiotherapy program based on a physiotherapy diagnosis.
  • Will be able to perform physiotherapy procedures and exercises taking into account the ethical, deontological and legal context.
  • Will be able to evaluate the impact of physiotherapy procedures, make changes and discontinue procedures if the patient’s condition so requires.
  • Will be able to cooperate with personal health care professionals and other persons involved in the treatment process to address health issues.
  • Will be able to carry out research in professional activities, based on evidence-based physiotherapy.


2. Physiotherapy traineeship in surgery, traumatology and ortopedics

Credits: 7 ECTS (139 hours)

Place: Palanga Rehabilitation Hospital

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Acquaintance with department structure, physiotherapy cabinet equipment.
  • Communication with the patient, family members, ward staff.
  • Filling in the physiotherapy records of patients with orthopaedic-traumatological diseases.
  • Filling in the examination sheet for a patient with orthopaedictraumatological diseases.
  • Testing of the range of motion, muscle strength, power, balance, proprioception, gait, posture of a patient with orthopaedic-traumatological diseases.
  • Conduct of physiotherapy procedure in patients with orthopedic-traumatological diseases.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Will be able to perform physical physiotherapy examination, collect and critically evaluate information related to the patient’s needs.
  • Will be able to develop a physiotherapy program based on a physiotherapy diagnosis.
  • Will be able to evaluate the impact of physiotherapy procedures, make changes, and discontinue procedures if the patient’s condition requires it.
  • Will be able to cooperate with personal health care professionals and other persons involved in the treatment process to address health issues.
  • Will be able to carry out research in professional activities, based on evidence-based physiotherapy.


3. Physiotherapy traineeship in pediatrics

Credits: 7 ECTS (139 hours)

Place: Palanga Children’s Rehabilitation Sanatorium “Palangos Gintaras”, or Klaipeda Home for Children with Developmental Disabilities

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Acquaintance with department structure, physiotherapy cabinet equipment.
  • Types, forms, means of physiotherapy for children.
  • Communication with the patient, family members, ward staff.
  • Collection of the patient’s medical history.
  • Examination and evaluation of the child’s motor development.
  • Examination and evaluation of the child’s posture and gait.
  • Physiotherapeutic examination and evaluation of the child’s nervous system.
  • Physiotherapeutic examination and evaluation of the musculoskeletal system of a child.
  • Physiotherapeutic examination and evaluation of the child’s cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Will be able to carry out a physiotherapy assessment of the individual, gathering and critically evaluating information relevant to the patient’s needs.
  • Will be able to develop a physiotherapy program based on a physiotherapy diagnosis.
  • Will be able to evaluate the impact of physiotherapy procedures, make changes, and discontinue procedures if the patient’s condition requires it.
  • Will be able to collaborate with personal health professionals and others involved in the treatment process to solve health problems.
  • Will be able to conduct research in professional practice, based on evidence-based physiotherapy science and practice.


4. Physiotherapy traineeship in neurology

Credits: 12 ECTS (246 hours)

Place: Palanga Rehabilitation Hospital

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Familiarization with medical documentation, collection of anamnesis.
  • Development of examination plans for neurological patients, evaluation.
  • Filling in the physiotherapy report.
  • Compilation and adjustment of physiotherapy plans.
  • Educational materials for training family members.
  • Selection and application of innovative technologies, depending on the level of irregularities.
  • Discussion of results, preparation of recommendations.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Will be able to conduct a physiotherapy examination of a person, collects and critically evaluates information related to the needs of the patient.
  • Will be able to develop a physiotherapy program based on a physiotherapy diagnosis.
  • Will be able to perform physiotherapy procedures and exercises taking into account the ethical, deontological and legal context.
  • Will be able to evaluate the impact of physiotherapy procedures, makes changes and discontinues procedures if the patient’s condition so requires.
  • Will be able to collaborates with personal health professionals and others involved in the treatment process to solve health problems.
  • Carries out research in professional activities, based on evidence-based physiotherapy.

You can choose one of these traineeships:

1. Practice of Makeup, Manicure and Pedicure (can be organized only in May)

Credits: 6 ECTS (132 hours)

Place: KVK laboratories

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Practical work: Performance of makeup techniques.Independent work: completion of assignments, filling in the practical placement report.
  • Practical work: performance of manicure and pedicure procedures.Independent work: completion of assignments, filling in the practical placement report.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • During the procedures, the student selects proper positions for the patient/client and themselves;
  • During the procedures, the student follows occupational safety and hygienic requirements;
  • The student knows the usage possibilities of cosmetic materials, products, tools, hardware, and equipment and their effect on the body;
  • While selecting procedures, the student takes into account indications and contraindications, manages to explain them;
  • The student explains the purpose of products selected for the cosmetic procedure, the effect of biologically active and/or surface-active substances;
  • The student fills in cosmetology documentation, assesses indications and contraindications for makeup, manicure, and pedicure procedures in various cases;
  • The student assesses the client’s health, condition of the skin and skin appendages, its aesthetic needs and performs makeup, manicure, and pedicure procedures based on the established implementation plan of the procedure;
  • Based on the established objectives of the procedure, the student assesses the effectiveness of the performed procedure;
  • Having summarised the client’s needs and health condition, the student consults the client on the questions about the care of skin and its appendages, develops individual and professional cosmetic care plans.

2. Practice of Facial and Body care procedures (can be organized only in June)

Credits: 6 ECTS (132 hours)

Place: KVK laboratories

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Practical work: facial care procedures.Independent work: completion of assignments, filling in the practical placement report.
  • Practical work: Body care procedures.Independent work: completion of assignments, filling in the practical placement report.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • During the procedures, the student selects proper positions for the patient/client and themselves;
  • During the procedures, the student follows occupational safety and hygienic requirements;
  • The student knows the usage possibilities of cosmetic materials, products, tools, hardware, and equipment and their effect on the body;
  • While selecting procedures, the student takes into account indications and contraindications, manages to explain them;
  • The student explains the purpose of products selected for the cosmetic procedure, the effect of biologically active and/or surface-active substances;
  • The student fills in cosmetology documentation, assesses indications and contraindications for facial and body care procedures in various cases;
  • The student assesses the client’s health, skin condition and its aesthetic needs, performs facial and body care procedures based on the established implementation plan of the procedure;
  • Based on the established objectives of the procedure, the student assesses the effectiveness of the performed procedure;
  • Having summarised the client’s needs and health condition, the student consults the client on the skin care questions, develops individual and professional cosmetic care plans.

The minimum number ECTS credits for 2 months is 12 ECTS, for 3 months – 18 ECTS, for 4 months – 24 ECTS, for 5 months – 30 ECTS.

You can choose one of these traineeships:

1. General Nursing Practice (I year)

Credits: 9 ECTS

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Effective communication-cooperation with the patient when collecting data about his/her health and nursing care under the supervision of the professional nurse.
  • Analysis of data of the real patient, identification of nursing care problems and their classification through application of nursing theories and models under the supervision of the professional nurse.
  • Nursing care planning: formulation of the objective, selection of appropriate nursing actions by observing the professional nurse in the real situation.
  • Nursing of the patient performed under the supervision of the professional nurse according to the developed plan on nursing care.
  • Assessment of results of nursing care, continuous data collection, making of additions to the plan on nursing care due to changes in the patient’s state under the supervision of the professional nurse.
  • Functions and responsibility of the nurse, performance of doctor’s orders and procedures prescribed by the doctor under the supervision of the professional nurse.

2. Practice of Medical Nursing (II year)

Credits: 9 ECTS

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • General nurse rights, duties, powers and responsibilities of a nurse in regulatory documents. Nursing Documentation.
  • The internal organs and nervous system diseases symptoms recognition, evaluation, potential complications: the real case, subjective and objective description of the study of patient with internal or neurological diseases, the assessment of the symptoms.
  • Patients with internal and nervous system disease care needs, nursing problem analysis and identification: the real case, patient’s with internal or neurological diseases care needs, nursing problem analysis and identification. Individual care plan conclusion and its adjustment.
  • Nursing planning, nursing models selection and adaptation for patients with internal and nervous system disease: the real case, patient’s internal organs and nervous system disease care planning and selection of nursing adaptation model.
  • Nursing actions: in accordance with the procedures methods to perform nursing actions, to analyze nursing’s indications and contraindications, accurately and systematically perform the procedures (interventions).
  • Cooperation with health care professionals and other specialists: involving in patients with internal organs and nervous system diseases health care teamwork addressing health care and nursing issues.

3. Practice of Child Nursing (II year)

Credits: 7 ECTS

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Application of Nursing Theories for sick child’s nursing.
  • Assesment of Nursing needs for sick child.
  • Preparation of sick child for Laboratory and Instrumental examinations.
  • Methodology of Instrumental and Laboratory examinations sampling.
  • Therapeutic interventions and procedure execution.

4. Practice of Obstetric Nursing (II year)

Credits: 8 ECTS

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Pregnancy monitoring in personal health care institutions: methods of fetal condition examination. Medical documentation for pregnant women.
  • Childbirth and childbirth care: low-risk (physiological) and pathological childbirth. Assessment of the functional condition of the mother. Pathology of pregnancy.
  • Calculation of the term of childbirth. Maternal care and fetal monitoring during childbirth. Creating a maternity care plan.
  • Obstetric surgeries and interventions. Neonatal resuscitation.
  • Postpartum period. Postpartum nursing and care: normal and complicated postpartum period.
  • Extragenital pathology of pregnant women: pyelonephritis of pregnancy, diabetes; the most common infectious diseases during pregnancy.
  • Critical and acute conditions in obstetrics: diagnostics and first and specialized care.

5. Geriatric Nursing Practice (II year)

Credits: 6 ECTS

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Professional qualification of the general practice nurse.
  • Recognition, assessment of symptoms, possible complications of diseases of internal organs and the nervous system.
  • Nursing needs of patients with diseases of internal organs and the nervous system, analysis and identification of nursing problems.
  • Planning of nursing for elderly and old persons with diseases of internal organs and the nervous system, selection and application of nursing models.
  • Performance of nursing actions.
  • Cooperation with health care specialists and other specialists.

6. Practice of Surgical Nursing (III year)

Credits: 8 ECTS

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • The real surgical cases, different profiles operations performed (abdominal, thoracis, neurosurgical, trauma, eye, urological, ENT …) patients in preoperative nursing.
  • Nurses working in surgical department activities, functions and responsibilities. Documents of regulatory surgical nurses work. Working in a team. Documentation foms used in surgical nursing.

7. Community Nursing Practice (III year)

Credits: 8 ECTS

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Description of the real community.
  • Nursing needs of the community. Analysis and identification of nursing problems of the real community.
  • Activities, functions and duties of the community nurse, documents regulating activities of the nurse. Nursing services in the community. Documentation forms used in the community nursing.
  • Planning of community nursing through selection and application of nursing models for various community groups.

8. Emergency and Intensive Care practice (III year)

Credits: 9 ECTS

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Professional qualification of the general practice nurse: Rights, duties, competence and responsibility of the general practice nurse, documents regulating activities of the nurse. Nursing documentation in departments of intensive care.
  • Recognition, assessment, possible complications of acute clinical states. Nursing needs of patients in acute clinical states, analysis and identification of nursing problems.
  • Critical assessment and monitoring of vital functions of patients. Performance of nursing actions.
  • Nursing planning for patients in acute clinical states, selection and application of nursing models.
  • Provision of emergency aid.
  • Communication with health care specialists and other specialists.

9. Mental Health practice (III year)

Credits: 9 ECTS

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Identification of nursing problems and nursing needs: collection of subjective and objective information, psychological and physical evaluation received information analysis, care needs priorities.
  • Patients of different age with mental health problems planning and documentation of nursing by adapting models and theory of nursing.
  • Activities of psychiatric nursing, functions, and responsibilities. Regulating documents of nursing. Documentation filling
  • Psychotropic medications action on the body, the biological therapy of interaction factors by timely identification and assessment.
  • Communication features of psychiatric nurse with patients and their family people. The patient representative rights.
  • Psychic health maintenance organization. Teamwork.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Will be able to apply the acquired general and specific knowledge and skills of mental health nursing.
  • Will know how to evaluate nursing requirements, to establish a plan of nursing, to choose the correct action to solve problems by adapting nursing theories and models of different ages for patients with psychic health disorders.

10. Final practice (IV year)

Credits: 15 ECTS

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Rights, duties, competence and responsibility of the general practice nurse, documents regulating activities of the nurse. Nursing documentation.
  • Analysis and identification of real cases/problems of nursing real patients, performance of the prescribed procedures.
  • Performance of nursing actions: in accordance with techniques of procedures, precise and methodical performance of nursing actions, assessment of indications and contraindications of nursing actions.
  • Identification and substantiation of the research problem according to the topic of the final thesis. Situation analysis. Data collection in the health care institution.
  • Development of the pilot research plan. Characteristics of the research population. Research sampling, sampling methods and criteria. Research instrument, research procedures.

You can choose one of these traineeships:

1. Main practice

Credits: 21 ECTS (420 hours)

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Expression of the Social Assistance Process in Work with Various Risk Groups (individually according to a place of the practice), Dealing with Their Social Problems.
  • Study of a Problem Case: Study of One Person (Family) According to Standardised Criteria (Situation Research, Identification of Problems, Assistance Planning, Intervention, Assessment).
  • Preparation and defence of the report.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Will be able to communicate and cooperate with the client and the client’s system.
  • Will be able to apply the most appropriate assistance strategy based on the analysis of the situation of the client and the client’s system.
  • Will be able to plan and organise of assistance based on and using human, financial and other resources.
  • Will be able to reflect on and assess own professional activities through theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

2. Introductory practice

Credits: 8 ECTS (180 hours)

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Duties, Tasks of a Social Worker when Communicating with the Client, the Client’s System. Roles of a Social Worker in Different Problem Situations.
  • Application of the Systemic Model. Development of a Social Support Provision Model.
  • Identification of Needs and Problems of the Client System. Assistance Measures.
  • Preparation and defence of the report.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Will be able to communicate and cooperate with the client and the client’s system.
  • Will be able to apply of the most appropriate assistance strategy based on the analysis of the situation of the client and the client’s system.
  • Will be able to see the need for social assistance and proposal of effective assistance measures following principles of sustainable development.
  • Will be able to reflect on and assess own professional activities through theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

3. Cognitive practice

Credits: 6 ECTS (120 hours)

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Social Care Institutions: Structure, Subordination, Nature of Activities, Services Provided, Cooperation with Similar Institutions (individually according to a place of the practice).
  • Socially Damaged Individual in His/Her Environment. Collection of Data about Clients.
  • Social Worker as a Helping Person. Characteristics of Activities of a Social Worker.
  • Preparation and defence of the report.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Will be able to communicate and cooperate with the client and the client’s system.
  • Will be able to reflect on and assess own professional activities through theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

Place: KVK laboratories

Period: spring or autumn semester

Requirements: to have special clothing: shoes, overalls, jacket, gloves

You can choose one of these traineeships:

1. Construction work practice

Credits: 6 ECTS

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

The practical training consists of two parts: Masonry Works and Finishing Works. In the course of technological practical training, students are given primary practical skills of masonry and finishing works. The course unit analyses the properties of the materials used for masonry, plastering, and painting works and their selection according to intended purpose. The course unit deals with the advantages and disadvantages of masonry binding systems, selection of masonry methods, and teaches to determine the quality of masonry using control equipment. Full-time students take Technological Practical Training in the University of Applied Sciences, and part-time students – at construction business enterprises.

2. Construction business practice

Credits: 6 ECTS

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

During the internship, students acquire practical construction business management skills. Applies the stages of creation of construction companies according to the types of companies, performs construction organization work, fills in the log of construction works according to the provided estimate and calendar schedule, prepares a declaration on the completion of construction. Also, after familiarizing themselves with the building maintenance requirements, they fill out the building maintenance log and prepare the building passport.

You can choose one of these traineeships:

1. Topography practice

Credits: 6 ECTS

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

The professional activity internship forms practical abilities to select, test and work with surveying instruments necessary for creation of situational contour and topographic plans; to measure lines and angles using various angle measurement methods; to design, format and analyse situational contour and topographic plans; to calculate areas using various area calculation methods; to assess the results of measurements performed using various methods and their accuracy; to perform geometric and trigonometric levelling works; to link measurements to the geodetic network; to analyse and apply various point coordination and coordinate transformation methods and coordinate systems; to process geodetic measurements using various computer methods; to use various sources of information to create plans and prepare reports. It analyses and applies the technical regulations of geodesy and cartography.

2. Applied Geodesy practice

Credits: 6 ECTS

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

The internship (Applied Geodesy) forms practical skills of students in the field of collection of the cadastral data under real working conditions, forms practical abilities to prepare topographic plans and survey drawings of underground engineering utilities using specialised computer programmes.

3. GeoInformation Systems practice

Credits: 6 ECTS

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

The internship (Geographic Information Systems) forms practical skills of students to systematise, classify, visualise and analyse the collected information of spatial objects in the GIS environment, forms practical abilities in the spatial data analysis and design of thematic spatial data sets.

Currently, students are not accepted for traineeship in this programme.

Food Technologies Practical Training

Credits: 6 ECTS (120 hours)


  • Students must have a certificate H10 – Food Safety & Hygiene Course. Students can take online courses https://militra.lt/parduotuve/h10-food-safety-hygiene-course/
  • Students must have personal medical book (obtained in Lithuania after a health check).
  • Students must have personal clothing.

Place: Jogundė, UAB (Ltd); Skonių Žaismas, MB (Small Partnership)

Period: Students are accepted during the autumn or spring semesters.

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Describe raw materials used in food production, substances, their components and properties, quality inquiries, requirements of raw materials’ admission.
  • Analyse food production technologies, equipment, it’s operating principles and operating rules.
  • Analyse processes of food production.
  • Evaluate raw materials and production’s quality indicators compliance with normative documents.
  • Graphically depict food production schemes, draw a plan of the premises with equipment layout.
  • Select research methods to determine food quality using laboratories research methods, evaluate their quality and factors affecting food safety.
  • Analyse food preventive measures applied to the production process, food safety systems, identify risk factors, important control points and apply preventive safety measures.
  • Organize food production processes regarding to work safety and environmental safety requirements.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Describes raw materials used in food production, substances, their components and properties, quality inquiries, requirements of raw materials’ admission.
  • Knows and can analyze food technologies and equipment, their operating principles, and operating rules.
  • Is able comprehensively analyze food production processes.
  • Can assess the compliance of raw materials and product quality indicators with normative documents.
  • Is able graphically depict product production schemes, draw a room plan with equipment layout.
  • Is able to select research methods, determine the quality of food products, evaluate the factors influencing their quality and safety.
  • Can analyze preventive food safety systems applied to the food production process, identify risk factors, important control points and apply preventive safety measures.
  • Can organize food production processes considering work safety and environmental protection requirements.
  • Is able to plan time, perform practice tasks on time using productive and efficient work methods.

Currently, students are not accepted for traineeship in this programme.


  • Students must have a certificate H10 – Food Safety & Hygiene Course. Students can take online courses https://militra.lt/parduotuve/h10-food-safety-hygiene-course/
  • Students must have personal medical book (obtained in Lithuania after a health check).
  • Students must have personal clothing.

You can choose one of these traineeships:

1. Practice of Food Service for the Client

Credits: 6 ECTS (120 hours)

Place: Respublikinė Klaipėdos hospital

Period: Students are accepted during the autumn or spring semesters.

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Describe company’s activities.
  • Analyse the planned and daily menus used in the catering company.
  • Analyse food recipe-technological cards, be able to read and compile them. Make technological cards for recipes of 3 dishes adapted to company and 1 calculation card.
  • Describe raw materials, their composition and properties used in the production of dishes, the quality tests performed, the methods of acquisition of raw materials and acceptance requirements.
  • Analyse cooking technologies and equipment, their operating principles.
  • Evaluate the compliance of raw materials and production quality indicators with normative documents.
  • Analyse preventive food safety systems applied to the food production process, identify risk factors, important control points and select preventive safety measures.
  • Draw a plan of the company’s production premises with the layout of the equipment.
  • Analyse and evaluate the sanitary conditions of the company, work safety.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Describes raw materials used in the production of dishes, their components and properties, quality testing, requirements for the acquisition and acceptance of raw materials.
  • Knows and can analyze the technologies and equipment of food production, the principles of their operation.
  • Is able comprehensively analyze the production processes of dishes.
  • Can evaluate the compliance of raw materials and production quality indicators to normative documents.
  • Is able to test prepared dishes, perform their tasting.
  • Can analyze preventive food safety systems applied to the food production process, identify risk factors, important control points and apply preventive safety measures.
  • Can organize food production processes taking into consideration work safety.
  • Is able to plan time, perform practice tasks on time using productive and efficient work methods.

2. Practice of Client‘s Menu Preparation

Credits: 6 ECTS (120 hours)

Place: The internship takes place in institutions where a nutritionist or dietitian works with patients/clients.

Period: Students are accepted during the autumn or spring semesters.

Detailed programme of the traineeship:

  • Select food products for the menu.
  • Analyse requirements for the menu preparation.
  • Complete the necessary documents.
  • Analyse legal acts related to menus compilation.
  • Create a menu.

Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):

  • Students can explain the concept of the menu.
  • Students can choose quality food products for the menu.
  • Students can prepare a menu, considering the daily nutrient and energy norms.
  • Students can explain the requirements for compiling menus.
  • Students can effectively cooperate with personal health care professionals in adjusting diet.

Contact person

Almeda Šinušaitė Specialist at International Relations Department

Last updated: 2025-01-13
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