Home Applied Research

Applied Research

KVK is developing applied research and experimental development in medicine and health, natural, technological, and social sciences. We carry out advanced applied research, innovative solutions, prototypes and actively cooperate with the business sector, carry out outsourced research. Applied research is implemented in three faculties and their laboratories. Applied research is carried out by researchers – lecturers, associate professors.

KVK research and experimental development (R&D) priorities and topics

  • Development of the use of renewable biomass and solar energy sources and waste recycling for energy
  • Meeting the needs of existing and new end-users, strengthening energy efficiency and intelligence
  • New production processes, materials and technologies
  • Technologies for clean, environmentally friendly and sustainable transport
  • Strengthening the interoperability of distributed and centralized generation, networks and energy efficiency
  • Creating a healthy environment
  • Digitization and monitoring of territories
  • Sustainable finance
  • Internet of things (IoT)
  • Big and distributed data, their analysis and use (Big Data)
  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Smart transport systems
  • Process and systems modelling
  • Software development technologies
  • Technologies / models for the management of international transport corridors and integration of modes of transport
  • Waste-free processing of biological raw materials into valuable components
  • Advanced applied technologies and biotechnologies for personal, public health and social care
  • Sustainable agrobiological resources and safe food
  • Flexible and applied process control technologies
  • Modern self-development and education technologies and processes
  • Innovative business models
  • Social and cultural innovations in the development of products and services for the development of society

Dr. Diana Šateikienė Taikomosios mokslo veiklos centro vadovė, docentė

Last updated: 2024-05-09
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