Climate change is a long-term change in temperature and weather patterns. These changes can be natural, e.g. due to variations in the solar cycle. However, since the 19th century, climate change has been driven mainly by human activity. Observations show an increase in some extreme weather events. The recent Special Report on extreme events and disasters predicts that the 21st century will see an increase in these events, including an increase in the frequency of natural phenomena. Natural hazards leading to disasters can have a huge impact on society, the environment, and the economic well-being of the countries affected.
Unfortunately, education on natural disasters in general, and flash floods, in particular, is very poor. This is not only borne out by the number of people killed and injured in floods but also by several studies in which researchers have asked random citizens about the phenomenon of flash floods, their impact, what to do when they occur, etc. In many of the studies, the answers to the questionnaires are disappointing.
The main idea of the project is to develop a series of workshops for vocational education and training students on natural disasters caused by climate change, with a particular focus on protection against flash floods. In order to implement the project, the partners intend to organize a range of activities for VET teachers and educational institutions to increase teachers’ capacity to apply STEAM methodology and use digital tools in their classrooms.
Results and outcomes
- Seminar series on “Climate change and disaster protection” for vocational education and training students.
- AR application for workshops.
- A guide for teachers on “Applying STEAM methodologies and using AR for learning to tackle climate change”.
- A leaflet with success stories from the pilot phase.
- Training for teachers on “Applying the STEAM methodology and using AR in the classroom”.
- Pilot workshops and the use of AR in vocational training schools.
- International seminar for students on “Climate change and protection against flash floods”.
- Recommendations for the inclusion of workshops in school curricula sent to educational institutions.
- Organization of events (conferences, webinars) in each participating country.
ENTRE (Slovakia)
Klaipėdos valstybinė kolegija (Lithuania)