Home NewsStudent, join mentors team!

Student, join mentors team!

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ESN KUK (Erasmus Student Network in Klaipeda) and International Relations Department (IRD) invite students to join mentors team!

What is a mentor? It’s a student who helps foreign exchange students to integrate more easily into the new environment and aims to make their stay in Lithuania one of the funniest events in their lives. Help can be very diverse:

IRD always offers full support for mentors – provides help, information or training, allocates funding for events, finances mentors’ participation in national and international events organized by the Erasmus Student Network.

So if you have free time, want to improve your English (and not only) language skills, meet with different people from various corners of the world – join mentors!

Fill out the form HERE.

If you have any questions, feel free to write to kuk@esnlithuania.org or just stop by IRD ( Faculty of Business, room 122) and we will discuss everything over a cup of coffee 🤗

Last updated: 2023-03-14
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