According to Study Regulations 6.4. point:
6.4. Attendance of lectures, practical work (seminars, laboratory work, practical trainings, etc.), and professional internships sessions shall be mandatory, except in cases specified in Clause 6.7
6.7. At the order of the dean, free attendance schedules may be drawn up for students:
6.7.1. with children less than 3 years of age;
6.7.2. during pregnancy or maternity leave;
6.7.3. with special needs;
6.7.4. professionally employed in their fields of study;
6.7.5. under other exceptional circumstances.
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According to point 12 of the Description of the procedure for monitoring student academic performance and providing academic assistance:
- In carrying out their own academic performance monitoring, students must:
12.1. register for the studies independently within 20 calendar days from the start of the new semester into the Moodle self-service system.
12.2. follow the progress of the studies on EDINA, which provides information on student status, study plan, the progress of the study plan, the results of recognition of part-time studies learning outcomes, study course units and their interim and final evaluations, surveys of course units, reports and other information related to studies;
12.3. regularly check the information sent to the KVK student’s e-mail box;
12.4. attend lectures in accordance with the procedure laid down in the KVK Study Regulations.
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- Stages of students’ academic assistance monitoring:
1.1. analysis of the situation of students’ registration for the studies;
1.2. analysis of the reasons for students’ missing interim assessments and exams;
1.3. analysis of students’ interim and final assessments:
1.3.1.identification of students who have received negative evaluations;
1.3.2.identification of the level of students’ academic performance in course units;
1.4. improvement of study organization and implementation of precautionary measures to manage students’ academic performance.
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For students who have received negative evaluations for intermediate assignments additional consultations (at the time set out in the schedule of consultations) are organized, the attendance of which is mandatory for the student. The student is informed by e-mail about the specific time, date and place of the consultation.
Assistance for students to maintain their studies at the individual level: at the end of the semester, each teacher assesses the indicator of students’ academic performance in the course unit, the results of the teaching quality assessment, their relation to the student’s academic performance, and reviews the content of the course unit. In order to assist students in maintaining their studies, vice-deans of faculties and employees of KVK departments providing assistance to students announce the time, place and nature of consultations on academic assistance on the KVK website, in the section Academic Assistance. Upon assessment of the course units included in the list of course units with the lowest (less than 70 %) level of academic performance, additional hours may be provided by the dean of the faculty for the consultations on these course units as a precautionary means of assisting students in maintaining their studies, as well as means of providing academic assistance. The teachers of these course units, during the first classes of the course unit, check the level of knowledge of the students and set a higher number of hours of consultation for students whose level of knowledge is not sufficient. The list of students and the schedule of course units for which additional hours of consultation are allocated are drawn up and published in advance. Students are obliged to attend these consultations.
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Ways and forms of organizing lectures:
- NL / D – permanent form of studies, method of organization of lectures – full-time. Academic sessions are held during the day on weekdays. The duration of studies is 3 years (3.5 years of the General Practice Nursing study program).
- NL / S – permanent form of studies, method of organizing lectures – sessional. Academic classes take place in periodic sessions, during which work is organized on weekdays and/or weekends. Up to 25 percent contact hours can be arranged remotely. Duration of studies is 3 years.
- I – continuous form of studies, method of organization of lectures – sessional. Academic classes take place in periodic sessions, during which work is organized on weekdays and/or weekends. Up to 25 percent contact hours can be arranged remotely. Duration of studies is 4 years.
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KVK provides opportunities for studying in accordance with an individual study plan. The duration of the semester and the scope of the studies in the individual study plan may vary from the duration and the scope of the semester approved by the KVK. An individual study plan may be drawn up for a student due to special needs, illness and in other cases by decision of the dean of the faculty.
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Last updated: 2023-01-23
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